Chapter 1
Dear Diary

  I was put on a plane from a boarding school I went to in England. I was sent somewhere on a plane because of a world war that was going on. Me and a group of boys were on the plane to wherever we were going. There was a storm going on and all of a sudden the plane crashed. I saw the front of the plane catch on fire. When the plane crashed it was only us that survived none of the grownups they all died.

  When we got out of the plane we were on an island. There was only me and one other boy. I asked him what his name was and he said it was Ralph. I told him I didn't want him to call me what other people called me in school. He asked what they called me so I asked him to promise not to tell anyone and I told him they called me piggy. He started laughing and I was getting upset. We started to look around the island for the other boys and somewhere to stay. We were looking in the water and found a conch.

  We found a conch and started to blow in it and made fart noises with it. Ralph said we could use this to call for a meeting. Ralph started to blow into it more and some boys were starting to come. After a lot of boys came we had a meeting. The boys that came were Johnny, Sam, Eric, Jack, Maurice, Bill, Robert, Harold, Henry, and Simon. We had a meeting to see who would be in charge. Everyone voted for Ralph. Jack was mad no one wanted him to be in charge but Ralph told him he could be in charge of the choir and they could be hunters. After everything was planned Ralph, Jack, and Simon went out to explore the island. Piggy told them he was going to go too and the boys said no they didn't need him. The boys explored the island for a while then came back to the others.
                                                                                                                Signed, Piggy


  1. good job I think you did good speaking in first person as Piggy. I think you wrote about the important events in chapter 1 like when the plane crashed etc. You had good grammar and I did not see any mistakes in this post.

  2. I think you did a good job speaking as the character and I was able to easily tell who she was writing about. The entry reminded me of chapter 1 because if how they treated Piggy. You did a good job with grammar and spelling.

  3. This blog is good. I could tell what character you were trying to portray. You blog also reminded me of the important events in the book we have read so far. And also good job writing this blog with the grammar as well


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