Chapter 2
Dear Diary,                             

  It’s very hot on this island. We was having a meeting and trying to decide what to do to get rescued. We had a meeting and we thought about making a fire on top of the mountain. We was planning on the smoke from the fire to be a signal to people to notice and rescue us. So we built a fire out of leaves, twigs, logs, etc.

  I had so many ideas but they all was ignoring me. I had the conch in my hand but they still didn’t listen so I got mad. I told everyone what we should do and then they finally listened when I was mad. Ralph was mad at me because he gave me one job to get the names from the little ones. He doesn’t understand that there was to many little ones to keep track of and they were out of control.

  I think in the next chapter Jack, Ralph, and Simon are going to try to find shelter for everyone and take action and not listen to me Piggy. I think we should stay together and have everyone assigned a job. Some try to find things to eat. Some find somewhere to stay. We was going to have another meeting. Let’s see if any of this happens. I’ll be back to tell you everything in my next diary.

                              Signed, Piggy  


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