Chapter 11

Dear Diary

  We are trying to make a fire but it is hopeless because we do not have my glasses. I told Ralph to call for a meeting to discuss our opinions. Ralph demanded Jack to give me back my glasses and Jack demands Ralph to leave his camp. I try to speak to remind the group of the rules. Roger shoves a massive rock down the mountain. Ralph hears it falling so he dodges it. The boulder hits me and shatters the conch shell I am holding and knocks me off the mountain to my death on the rocks below.

  I feel very sad that I have died. Jack is a horrible person and if anyone was going to die it should have been him. I am looking down at Ralph and praying he will survive.

  In the next chapter I think Ralph will stay in touch with Sam n Eric. He will be surviving on his own and try his very best to be safe. I also think someone will come to the Island to rescue everyone on the island.
                                    Signed, Piggy


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