Chapter 4

Dear Diary

  We’re still trapped on this island. Then me and Ralph saw smoke in the distance of the water. We were finally going to get rescued but then our fire went out. We were furious because Sam and Eric had to look over the fire but they went with Jack and his hunters to go hunting. Me and Ralph went up to the mountain to confront Jack. Ralph let him be happy for a little bit because he finally killed a pig. Then we confront Jack saying he had one job him and his hunters to keep the fire going. Jack did not care one bit. Then we had a feast but Jack said I didn’t need any and I didn’t help hunt for the pig. I confronted Jack and was proud about it.

  I felt furious about what happened. I was also proud that I stood up to Jack and told him that I wasn’t the only one who didn’t help hunt for the pig Ralph, Simon, and the Littluns hadn’t helped either. I was wishing that we was going to get rescued finally but no it never happened. I’m so angry because Jack slapped me in the face and knocked my glasses off and one part cracked. Now instead of 2 fire starters we only have 1 and that is because of Jack.

  In the next chapter I think I am going to confront Jack again. I believe that everyone will be mad at Jack for ruining my glasses for the fire starter. Ralph and Jack are still going to be fighting and arguing. I think Ralph will still try and get things in order and find a way to get rescued. Jack I believe is still going to be the same Jack that doesn’t care about anything and just likes to kill.  
                                                                           Signed, Piggy


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