Chapter 6

Dear Diary,

  It’s late at night Simon and Ralph carry a Littlun back to the shelter before they went to sleep. While we were sleeping there was two airplanes shooting at each other one broke and the pilot feel out. The pilot got caught in the trees because of his parachute and we all thought it might have been the beastie. The boys set out over the island to search for the beastie. Me and the Littluns stay back.

  I feel worried and scared. The beastie might be real so Ralph and everyone else went out to do a search. I am hoping it isn’t real and while they go out and search me and the Littluns stay behind.

  I think in the next chapter they boys will be hunting. I believe they’ll have to go back to me and the Littluns to tell us something. I also believe that we might be fine after all but just have some things to worry about.
                                    Signed, Piggy



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