
Final Blog Entry   I looked up and saw a naval officer standing over me. I was relieved and happy someone saw the jungle fire and came to see what was going on. The naval officer started to ask different kinds of questions and expected more of us because we are from England. The others came onto the island and walked over to the naval officer. We all started to sob so the naval officer gave us some space.   What happened was our plane crashed onto an island. The pilot died so it was just us kids trapped on the island. We had to figure things out like where we would sleep, how we would get food, who is in charge, etc. our group was split when some things didn’t go how Jack wanted things to go. Jack and his hunters hunted for food and then he was hunting for me. A few people died like Simon and Piggy. It was horrible and they didn’t deserve to die.   After we were sobbing for a while we got our act together and went back with the naval officer. We went on the ship and was on
Chapter 12 Dear Diary   Ralph is hiding in the jungle. He is thinking about the deaths of Simon and me. Ralph comes across the Lord of the Flies head which is just a white skull now as white as the conch shell was. Being angry he knocks the head to the ground and uses stake to use as a weapon against Jack. Ralph meets up with Sam n Eric and they tell Ralph Jack plans to send the tribe after him. The boys try to go after Ralph but he fends them off. Ralph realizes he set the jungle on fire and leaves his hiding place and fights his way from Jack and the hunters. Ralph is finally on the beach. He looks up and sees a naval officer standing over him. Ralph and the others realizes they are being rescued and they start to cry.   I felt nervous when Ralph was being hunted by Jack and his hunters. I was praying and looking over Ralph through it all especially when the fire started. I am very glad Ralph made it out of the jungle alive and made it on the beach. I had tears of joy wh
Chapter 11 Dear Diary   We are trying to make a fire but it is hopeless because we do not have my glasses. I told Ralph to call for a meeting to discuss our opinions. Ralph demanded Jack to give me back my glasses and Jack demands Ralph to leave his camp. I try to speak to remind the group of the rules. Roger shoves a massive rock down the mountain. Ralph hears it falling so he dodges it. The boulder hits me and shatters the conch shell I am holding and knocks me off the mountain to my death on the rocks below.   I feel very sad that I have died. Jack is a horrible person and if anyone was going to die it should have been him. I am looking down at Ralph and praying he will survive.   In the next chapter I think Ralph will stay in touch with Sam n Eric. He will be surviving on his own and try his very best to be safe. I also think someone will come to the Island to rescue everyone on the island.                                     Signed, Piggy
Chapter 10 Dear Diary,   Ralph and me meet on the beach. We are sore and bruised from what happened last night. I can’t confront what I did in Simon’s death and think it is an accident. Ralph said we committed a murder but I deny that it is a murder. I know why Jack and his hunters stole my glasses is because they started a fire.   I feel horrible about what happened to Simon. It is very sad and it shouldn’t have had happen. I also feel Jack and his hunters shouldn’t have stolen my specs if they would have asked then I would give it to them maybe.   In the next chapter I think we will go and confront Jack and his hunters. They will tie us up and try to teach us a lesson. I will die and it will be horrible.                                               Signed, Piggy
Chapter 9 Dear Diary,   Me and Ralph go to the feast and hope that we will have some control over some events. Ralph and me are excited and dance with the group. We see a shadowy figure in the woods and it is Simon. We all thought Simon was the beastie. Simon tries to explain but they beat him and fall on him and kill him.   I feel like we all got a long most of the time we were at the feast and it felt good. Then we were scared and saw what we thought was the beastie. Me and Ralph are sad about what we did to Simon.   What I think will happen in the next chapter is that Ralph and me will talk about Simon. We’ll think he didn’t deserve to die. And I believe in the next chapter Jack and his hunters will go off again and kill some more.                                            Signed, Piggy
Chapter 8 Dear Diary,   I was not on that mountain that night but I am still shocked by the other boys who saw the monster. I am happy to see Jack go and storm off from the group. My idea to Ralph makes him hope again that we will be rescued. Me and Ralph are in the old camp talking about the deserters.   I feel like Jack and Ralph need to stop arguing and start to find out how to get along. I hope we get rescued soon. I also feel like I want to see the beastie for my own eyes.   What I think is going to happen in the next chapter is that Jack and his hunters are going to hunt a lot. I believe there is going to be a big storm coming our way. I think in the next chapter we will see the beastie and be frightened some more.                                                                             Signed, Piggy
Chapter 7 Dear Diary,   Me and the Littluns are at the shelters. I am trying to keep them under control while Ralph and everyone are out in the woods trying to hunt for the Beastie. Ralph and everyone else are still out I just thought they went to go hunting. Simon came back from hunting to tell me that Ralph and them are going to return until late that night. Taking care of the Littluns is a huge deal because they are out of control.   I feel like Ralph and them shouldn’t have been out hunting that long. I feel like someone else should stay with me next time because the Littluns are out of control and hard to take care of. I really hope that Ralph, Jack, and the hunters are safe and catch something.   I think what will happen next is that Ralph and everyone else will come back to the platform. I believe we will have a meeting and Jack will call it. I think Jack is going to try to become chief instead of Ralph being chief still.                                          S